Sapcote Yard will see the delivery of 13 townhouses and duplexes, all set around a repaved courtyard and the site's 120-year old retained 'Barns'.

Brought forward by Elevate PG, the proposal will offer a healthy selection of two & three-bedroom homes.


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Introducing: Sapcote Yard, 87 Camden Street

Introducing: Sapcote Yard, 87 Camden Street

Sapcote Yard will see the delivery of 13 townhouses and duplexes, all set around a repaved courtyard and the site's 120-year old retained 'Barns'.

Brought forward by Elevate PG, the proposal will offer a healthy selection of two & three-bedroom homes.


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BLOCK 1: Existing and Proposed
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The proposal retains and refurbishes the ground and first-floor level, with its brickwork cleaned, repaired and repointed where necessary. New steel frame windows will be fitted from the ground to the first floor.

A new slate clad pitched roof will be created to the second floor, with a set-back space creating a small roof terrace.

TOTAL: 3 three-bedroom townhouses and 1 two-bedroom duplex apartment (4-5 person accommodation). Living spaces range from 108 to 155 sqm.
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This contains a linear block of 5 three-bedroom townhouses and 1 two-bedroom apartment behind the main frontage building.

Perpendicular to the highway, with a repetitive fenestration of diminishing heights and a pitched roof, Block 2 faces onto the site's courtyard, which will be resurfaced with textured blue brick and square pavers. The 11 car parking spaces provided will be defined by a grey square paver.

The site's existing 'barns' - 120 years old - are of significant historical value & will be retained. They have an extant consent for commercial use but sit outside of this application site.

TOTAL: 5 three-bedroom townhouses and 1 two-bedroom duplex apartment (4-5 person accommodation). Living spaces range from 107 to 146 sqm.
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To the site's rear is a collection of 3 three-bedroom townhouses similar to Block 2 in form and layout.

TOTAL: 3 three-bedroom townhouses, in 5 person accommodation, will be provided. Living spaces will provide a hearty 124 sqm of space.

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In total, Sapcote Yard will be composed of 2 (15%) two-bedroom duplex apartments & 11 (85%) three-bedroom family townhouses. 11 car parking spaces are provided, together with ample cycle parking.

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All images are the property of Elevate Property Group and D5 Architects.