After being deferred for further discussions back in December 2021, plans for a £120 million residential scheme in Southside have now been approved.

Oasis Southside, from BPG, is located within Chinatown and Theatreland on Gooch Street North – one of the city’s most vibrant and diverse cultural scenes. 

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456 Apartments at Oasis Southside Given Green Light

456 Apartments at Oasis Southside Given Green Light

After being deferred for further discussions back in December 2021, plans for a £120 million residential scheme in Southside have now been approved.

Oasis Southside, from BPG, is located within Chinatown and Theatreland on Gooch Street North – one of the city’s most vibrant and diverse cultural scenes. 

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The site is now free to deliver interconnected blocks rising up to 12-storeys, with elegant ground floor arches, and the provision of 456 apartments & 5,500K SF of ground floor commercial.

The apartments – 46 of which would be sealed with mechanical ventilation – offer a healthy mixture of one- and two-bedrooms - 178 one-bed, 268 two and 10 two-bed duplexes, in 2-4 person accommodation - with amenities including rooftop terrace(s), lounges, gym, courtyard space, and a new public realm called 'The Avenue'.

Costing £1.1M, 'The Avenue' is a tree-lined boulevard that will connect Lower Essex Street and Gooch Street North, ultimately offering fluid connectivity across the area whilst allowing the southern part of the site to be brought forward for redevelopment.

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The application was deferred back in early December to allow for further discussions regarding an Agent of Change with the live-music venue, The Fox public house, which sits adjacent on Lower Essex Street.

Members of the planning committee voiced their concerns that allowing residents to open their windows would not be “adequate in terms of safeguarding The Fox”.

BPG amended plans to incorporate 46 sealed windows (+£200,000) on a number of the units facing onto the pub. Thirty-five would be fully sealed with 14 partially sealed where the units are positioned at the corners with windows facing away from the Fox.

The development, which also includes conditions from approval, will be noise tested prior to occupation.

Plans were unanimously approved by 10 votes to 0.

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