EXCLUSIVE: Plans for Birmingham Smithfield are now in!

Detailed first phase plans include a new destination market, a state-of-the-art office, a health and wellbeing hub, and 547 new homes tailored for families.

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Plans for Birmingham Smithfield Are Now In!

Plans for Birmingham Smithfield Are Now In!

EXCLUSIVE: Plans for Birmingham Smithfield are now in!

Detailed first phase plans include a new destination market, a state-of-the-art office, a health and wellbeing hub, and 547 new homes tailored for families.

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Here are the exciting plans for Birmingham Smithfield Phase 1, a once-in-a-lifetime £1.9b redevelopment from a Birmingham City Council & Lendlease Joint Venture.

Hybrid plans submitted in early December have now landed (in January!) and contain full detailed planning for Phase 1 and outline plans for future phases. These detailed plans include:

NEW MARKETS (Plots 5ABC) from David Kohn Architects and Eastside Projects

Bringing together the current Indoor and Rag Markets, this destination market will offer 13,301 sqm of spaces for live performances and events, day and night, along with places to eat, drink & socialise within the new dining hall and a landscaped rooftop garden overlooking Festival Square.

Located to the northern most point, the markets will provide maximum visibility for the new market areas from the commercial and retail heart of the city around the Bullring and St Martin’s Church.

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NEW HOMES (Plot 1D) from dRMMIntervention Architecture, Fira.

Borderd by Bradford Street and Barford Street comes the residential element of Smithfield. Tailored towards families, Plot 1D will comprise 405 residential dwellings with flexible retail and commercial floorspace provided at ground floor level.

Adding Plot 4A1 into the equation, a total of 547 homes will be delivered across the first phase of Birmingham Smithfield.

Provision for an additional 3,000 (12% affordability) is to be come forward as part of subsequent applications in the future – with a mixture of studios to four-bedroom dwellings.

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A HEALTH & WELL-BEING HUB (Plot 4A1) from RCKa and Intervention Architecture.

A new mixed-use Health and Wellbeing Hub for everyone!

Situated next to the new markets and connecting to the rest of Smithfield via a new green pedestrian boulevard, ‘The Hub’ will provide 142 residential dwellings, a plethora of amenities, all complemented with retail and food and beverage outlets, including a pub!

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OFFICES (Plot 3) from Minesh Patel ArchitectsHaworth Tompkins and Fira.

Plot 3A will occupy a significant location in the heart of Smithfield.

Integrating with the new public realm Plot 3A will provide 48,883sqm of Grade A office floorspace, complemented by a fourth-floor rooftop garden terrace.

The vision is to deliver an exciting new workplace offer, with a design that celebrates its adjacency to Festival Square and its connection to Central Boulevard.

The building has been designed to celebrate its functionality and to be adaptable so it can respond to future working trends.

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Event space:

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Be sure to follow us on Twitter: @Buildsweare, and Instagram: Itsyourbirmingham, as we'll update all of this information, including renderings, as the application evolves over the coming months.

Images from Lendlease and the above architects.