The Construction of The Mercian - June 2020
The core has jumped up to level 23, signalling a landmark milestone as the building goes past the halfway stage. The floors aren't far behind on level 19!
Elsewhere, the cladding has now reached floor 5, as it continues wrapping around the building. Click the post for a superb round of pictures from Daniel, Reiss, Elliott and Stephen.
30th June:
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28th June:
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Photos by Daniel Sturley
26th June:
dndimg alt="" dndsrc="" />Photo by GregglesUK
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dndimg alt="" dndsrc="" />Photos by Stephen Giles
Meanwhile, the core is only halfway up but it is already rapidly creeping up on its neighbours, as viewed here from Bank Tower II:
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dndimg alt="" dndsrc="" />Photos from BrumBrumBrum
17th June:
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (1).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (12).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (8).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (4).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (3).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (7).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/Construction of The Mercian - June 17 (6).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photos by Reiss Gordon-Henry
Outside of the city centre, Elliott has taken a number of fabulous images showcasing the prominence The Mercian is already having on the skyline - with numerous shots from the 15th-29th taken from different vantage points around the region, including: Edgbaston Reservoir, Tyseley Station, and the Waseley Hills Country Park over in Worcestershire.
Edgbaston Reservoir: 15th June.
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/The Mercian Edgbaston Reservoir (June 2020) (2).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/The Mercian Edgbaston Reservoir (June 2020) (3).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
Tyseley Station: 21st June.
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/The Mercian Tyseley Station (June 2020) (1).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />
Waseley Hills Country Park: 29th June.
dndimg alt="The Mercian" dndsrc="../uploadedfiles/The Mercian Waseley Hills CP (June 2020).jpg" style="width: 100%;" />Photos by Elliott Brown
Daniel also took a trip to his favorite spot for the city skyline at Egg Hill near Frankley about 7 miles south-west of the city to grab a few latest shots:
13th June:
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